Why Choose Us?

Stacy is an artist and dedicated Master Teacher Reiki Practitioner, who would love to offer you her services for any healing need you have.  A powerful distance Reiki session has many benefits including reducing anxiety and stress, balancing your body, boosting your immune response, plus much more.  Reiki infused art is a powerful addition to your home decor, it has many benefits including grounding, manifestation, boost the energy of your space and deepen your meditation practice.   If you don't see what you are looking for in the store reach out with your custom request and Stacy would love to help make your vision into a reality.  

If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.  If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself.  Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.

Lao Tzu

About Us

Stacy Royal

Reiki Master Teacher & Artist

When Stacy awakens from sleep in the morning, she gives thanks to her first breath, she lies in bed and takes time to contemplate the messages and events of her dreams. After fully waking and cuddling with her kiddos, she says good morning to the beautiful mountain views that surround her home. She brews a cup of tea, and burns some Palo Santo or sage; while savoring her tea she spends time honoring her ancestors that have passed, remembering their gifts and the lessons they offered in life and in death. Stacy also makes time to write a few things she is grateful for in her artistic gratitude journal. If time allows, she also enjoys pulling an oracle card or two for universal guidance on how the day will flow. Throughout her morning rituals and quiet time; Stacy welcomes the interruptions of her four children. Stacy enjoys the reminder to go with the flow and re-adjusts her morning alone time to include them, be present, and savor lots of snuggles. Art has always been a part of Stacy’s life; especially as she was healing from traumatic events in her childhood. As an adult art is an intentional part of her every day. Whether it be a shared project with her home-schooled kids, a love note to her husband, a quick sketch in her manifestation journal, or many hours on a sleepless night working on a big project. Beautiful expressive, healing, creation happens everyday. Stacy certified as a Reiki Master Teacher with Eliza Sparkle Stephen, since learning Reiki Stacy has incorporated this wonderful healing modality into her life everyday. Her family loves to bless the food they grow and eat, or use Reiki when boo-boos happen. Stacy asks for safety and protection before vehicle travel, and to connect on a deeper level with her husband and children. During dinner time Stacy’s family enjoys taking time to state gratitude out loud as well as sharing their favorite part of everyday. Spending time out in nature and soaking in the sun daily is essential for Stacy’s grounding and overall well being. Celebrating the seasons, the moon cycles, playing with the fairies, and acknowledging the energy of the divine with a ritual and meaningful ceremony plays a big part in Stacy’s life. This includes creating altars to reflect gratitude, the seasons, and honor her family's ancestors. Mountains keep Stacy grounded and remind her of how small we are in the bigger picture of life. She is forever grateful to make her home in the Rocky Mountains during this part of her journey. Stacy is fostering a new love for drumming and can easily get lost in the rhythmic beats. She enjoys incorporating singing, music, and dancing into her family life. She has practiced natural health and healing - and eating organic locally grown food for years. She enjoys researching natural healing methods, and believes that we all have the innate ability to heal ourselves. Stacy has a deep love for plant medicine and has been using them to support her family's health and wellness for over a decade. Before Stacy falls asleep at night she reflects on the events of the day and expresses gratitude to the Divine for another well lived day. She does a self Reiki session offering herself, love and support, and the ever flowing healing energy of Reiki.

Stacy L. Royal is a hardworking intuitive, who taught herself art to heal herself; and she now hopes to use her art to help heal others. Stacy's interest in art began when she was a child. As a little girl she was known to practice perfecting her handwriting for hours. She got serious about art after she got married and discovered acrylic paints and pre-cut wood pieces. Her best friend Kari, has truly inspired her to expand her horizons and realize that lots of things can be used in art and that it's okay to get paint on your hands! Nowadays, she creates something almost every day; because she has 4 incredible kiddos, who inspire her to have fun and play. Stacy loves creating original art infused with love and healing, and printing it into postcards, greeting cards, envelopes, canvases, children's books, adult coloring books, journals, and oracle decks. Stacy gained her love of snail mail from her Grandmother; following in her footsteps Stacy has always sent letters and cards to people for many occasions throughout her life. She has written to the mother of a fallen soldier for the last 14 years, and many friends and loved ones. Especially those who have lost someone, or to encourage someone during a hard time. She loves to brighten her friends days and give her family a little momentary joy! She founded this site to make it easy for you to reach out in a thoughtful way to your family and friends. Her friend Anna reminded her that it is wonderful to be thought of even years after a hard event or loss; and truly played a huge part of the idea behind Royally Yours. Bringing joy back to getting the mail, one mailbox at a time. 17 years ago Stacy married her best friend Jason, his constant love and support has definitely played a role in defining Stacy as an artist and healer. Their adventures started in the Army where they lived in Kansas. They love to travel and have lived in many places including, Michigan, Tennessee, Montana, and Colorado. Today if their little family of 6 and sweet puppy aren't cooking together, crafting, pretending, learning, or playing in the back yard of their Wisconsin home; they can be found hiking in the woods or enjoying beautiful Lake Michigan. Make sure to say hi if you ever bump into them.